
Hampshire East E-News 9
Welcome to our latest E-News, keeping you up to date with events and happenings of Hampshire East Trefoil. We hope you enjoy reading about our exploits and it would be good if you would please pass this e-news on to family and friends so they can read about us too.

A Message from Liz, our Chair

After two years of virtual Annual Meetings it was wonderful to meet up in person again in March when we were able to celebrate Hampshire East with crafts and activities relating to famous places around the County. Our speaker was Doug Hulme of the Second Chance Charity who had originally been booked to speak at our 2020 meeting. He was such an entertaining and inspirational speaker and we were really grateful that he was able to join us this year. Thank you to everyone who supported this event and particularly for the donations to the Second Chance  Charity which amounted to £280. 

 Let’s hope for good weather for our Activity Day in July

     Hampshire East Trefoil Chair

Bere Forest Trefoil Guild

As our Christmas Party in December was cancelled and held on Zoom at the last minute, we carried over our Secret Santa exchange to the January meeting and had a Christmas/Scottish themed meeting.  Members wore or carried something tartan, mostly rugs as it was very cold with the doors open!
Following the notices we had a very rowdy Haggis (Beatle) game. Chris and Jean then provided some lovely sausage rolls and we tried some haggis and neaps & tatties.  We then learnt some interesting facts with a mixture of Scotland and Burns quiz questions.
 Our February meeting was a joint venture with Meon Valley.  Skittles and a quiz provided a very successful evening.  As this was also our Thinking Day meeting, we all renewed our promise which made it even more special.
 March was rubbish!  We had a fascinating talk on plastic/recycling from the Waste Prevention team, Hants County Council. We have now learnt what we can and can’t put in the various bins and some of us even signed up for free compost bins (only available on the night) and came away with some very useful “goodie” bags.
We had a craft and shuffleboard evening in April during which four new members  renewed their promise.  We also elected Kay as our new Chair and Sue as our new Secretary.


Crofton Trefoil Guild
We started 2022 with our AGM. The speaker, Janet Goring, told some very funny stories which kept us all enthralled.  February consisted of Thinking Day activities.  We did some craft things and ended up with a Candle Ceremony and remade our Promise. This was followed in March by a very interesting talk about trees and how they affect the environment. We also learned how the Planning Department liaise with the Tree Inspector when considering Building Plans submitted to the local Council.
 At our April meeting we learned about bees and we are looking forward to a Trip on the River Thames in May.
Emsworth Trefoil Guild
January was our Annual Meeting followed by a nursery rhyme game. February was our Thinking Day meeting when we lit candles for the Queen, Lord and Lady Baden Powell and our sister guides and trefoil around the world. In March one of my neighbours gave us a taste of Tai Chi and in April we had a visit from Liz, and one of our members taught us how to decorate eggs with paper or nail varnish. The results were good. Then on 25th we had a bluebell walk in the woods between Woodmancote and Racton. During May we will be visiting the Donkey Sanctuary on Hayling where we will meet Ollie, the donkey we have adopted. 
Fareham Trefoil Guild
January meeting was our annual meeting when Shirley was elected as Chair and thanks were given to Gill, retiring Chair, and Rene who was also standing down as Secretary.  Ann will continue for another year as Treasurer.  Our chosen charity for 2022 is Fareham Women’s Refuge. The meeting ended with a hilarious scatteries game, the Trefoil Guild prayer, Taps and Go Well and Safely.
 February was our Thinking Day meeting with an excellent buffet meal.  Various readings and memories of different venues for Thinking Day, including the World Centres,  were recounted. This was followed by a candle lighting ceremony, singing this little guiding light and laying of coins.  We then made small booklets & enjoyed a Guiding around the world quiz.   The evening ended, of course, with tea and cake!
We got into the Easter spirit on the 6th April (our March meeting having been postponed because of covid), painting Easter bunnies, folding and sticking baskets and filling them with lovely mini eggs.  This was followed by an amusing game of bunny beatle and refreshments. 

Havant Trefoil Guild

What have we been up to since Christmas ?
We have the privilege of meeting in a lovely Parish room at St Thomas's, Old Bedhampton.
In January we celebrated Elizabeth Hobbs birthday with cake, tea and the customary singing of HAPPY BIRTHDAY followed by a New Year Quiz.
In February we had our delayed  Christmas outing to a local watering hole!!!  Sadly due to Covid not all members were able to attend.
In March we had a visit from Bluebird Story Teller, Janet Goring, and it was really lovely to have ALL members present.
April saw our minister give a re scheduled talk about Camino de Santiago. He walked this before lockdown but was unable to deliver his tales before now.


Hayling Island Trefoil Guild

Our meetings this year started off well, paying our dues and programme planning. Thinking day meeting was well attended, finding out what we knew about WAGGS with a quiz. When it came to March we were lacking members who were affected by covid, accidents or generally unwell.
Our speaker who was booked to talk to us about how leprosy is still happening was happy to go ahead with the remaining ten of us. We had managed to raise £50 for her charity by bringing in books, puzzles etc. to exchange for donations. Due to lockdown we were well supplied.

In April Pauline organised a brilliant walk around Stansted Park - the bluebells were magnificent. We finished back at the Pavilion and decided to have our tea/coffee and cake at the picnic tables instead of sitting inside the garden centre. 


Hilldown Trefoil Guild

We started the year with a Christmas/New year lunch at our local pub, the  Sunshine Inn in Farlington. 
Our February meeting had an International theme and we invited  some members of Havant and Portsmouth South Guilds to join us for our World Thinking Day celebrations.  We had a candle and friendship chain ceremony followed by  a buffet with foods from around the World, and a quiz based on this years World Thinking Day theme - Our World, Our Equal Future, Climate Change and Gender Equality. 
The March meeting consisted of board games. The most popular and definitely the noisiest was a chair stacking game with tiny plastic ones. 
For our April meeting we had an Easter theme.  Members were challenged to come in an Easter bonnet and we had a dabble at some Easter crafts and games. 

Horndean Trefoil Guild

Horndean Trefoil program for 2022 is now under way and we are trying to include things cancelled over the past 2 years.
Our February meeting coincided with Thinking Day, so we all remade our promise and made 'Trefoil Tingles' (based on Christingles but with battery candles not real ones!)
Our future meeting plans:
 'Fifties Reminiscence' meeting.
We have a picnic at Catherington Down planned for May.
Visits to Southwick House /D Day map room.
Afternoon Tea - venue to be confirmed.
'Emergency Services' themed meeting with speakers from Air Ambulance/PCSO. 


Meon Valley Trefoil Guild

Since Christmas our meetings have all been face to face/non-virtual and have included a story-telling session, a very useful and informative presentation by the Blue Lamp Trust and a games afternoon where members also brought along a treasured possession and gave their reasons for treasuring their chosen item. We decided to call that meeting Cake and Keepsakes for obvious reasons!
In February Bere Forest Guild invited us to Southwick Park Golf Club for Skittles and supper and we took along quizzes to complete whilst not skittling. Meon Valley won the skittles and Bere Forest won the quiz: a very equitable outcome. 

In March we had a talk by Gillian Taylor entitled “It Shouldn’t Happen to a Vet” which was very entertaining. 

Mystic Trefoil Guild

Mystic members had been looking forward to a Bollywood evening in January. This had been postponed since the first lockdown in 2020. Unfortunately it had to be cancelled yet again. A games evening was hastily arranged but in the end we spent the evening discussing lots of different subjects and setting the world to rights!
In February we met together to celebrate Thinking Day. Each member brought along a flag of a WAGGS country and told us a little about guiding in that country. The first flag was the flag of Ukraine. This made us decide to hold a collection for the Ukraine appeal. The evening finished with us singing favourite guiding songs around a “camp fire” and renewing our Promise. 
In March, Hilary our very Crafty member, produced an Easter craft for us. Lots of cutting out, gluing, painting, chatting, laughing and concentration to produce beautiful Easter boxes.
In April we visited Stokes Bay where a new member made her promise.



Portsmouth South Trefoil Guild

We started the new year with Zoom meetings. 
 At the beginning of January we were delighted to welcome a new member to our Guild. We played one of our traditional Christmas games, Jessie's chest followed by Snowman Beetle. 
In February our meeting had a Thinking Day theme. We worked on a WAGGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts) quiz which Glenda had prepared on PowerPoint.  We looked at a world map to remind us of the WAGGGS regions and had to put countries into the correct region; our geographical knowledge was truly tested. We then learned the Moari Stick action song using sticks, rolled newspapers and even wooden spoons, great fun. We also shared our camping experiences and we heard about Guides at camp today. 
Hilldown very kindly invited us to their Thinking Day meeting and we enjoyed meeting old friends. We heard about this year’s theme of looking after our world and learned how women and children are at a disadvantage in many parts of the world. This was followed by a traditional Thinking Day ceremony where we lit candles for the Queen, the Chief Guide, the presidents of Guiding and the Trefoil Guild and all members of WAGGGS. We heard about the Guide laws from different countries, used them to make a paper chain and donated our shiny pennies, had a delicious international themed buffet and a campfire. Quite like old times! 
The day after Thinking Day we met together at Buckland United Reform Church Café for a lunch. 
In March we had another lunch at Buckland United Reform Church Café, and once again enjoyed the chance to catch up with each other’s news. 
We’re delighted that the Community Room at Tesco at Fratton re-opened in April and we have now arranged our twice monthly meetings for the rest of the year.

The Nauticals Celebrate Their Registration

Titchfield Trefoil Guild

Our theme for our January meeting was Scotland - food and celebrating Hogmanay.  Gill cooked haggis, neeps and tatties and shortbread. We had a sensory taste test (nose and taste) of a number of different Scottish whiskeys, which we were able to identify by referring to the official guidance notes. We wore something Scottish or brought an item.  We also tried to identify some ancient Scottish words (very difficult) and some mindful colouring.  All in all a fun evening.  We welcomed a potential new member and our county chairjoined us to present two voyage awards
We virtually visited Wales for February meeting. Jan made some lovely Welsh cakes, very tasty.  Gill and Linda prepared a traditions quiz.  Hazel intended to show how to make origami daffodils, but we ran out of time as we also spent some time on our Thinking Day thoughts. Ann led us for this and it was quite lovely  with a very special reflection time.
Early in March we went to our local Titchfield Festival theatre to see Mid Life Crisis, which was great fun.  Several members went to Sandy Acres clear up day, and a small number attended the County annual meeting.  We also contributed items for Rucksack Buddies for the Ukrainian refugees, organised by Hampshire West Guides.  March also caused us to think about Ireland. Linda made some very tasty soda bread and Julianne provided a quiz about Northern Ireland. We wore something green. We made St Bridget’s cross from paper straws. The highlight of the evening was the enrolment of three new members.

"Find Someone New in 2022"

Fareham  PO16 9RP

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