Hampshire East Trefoil E-News 10

Welcome to our latest E-News, keeping you up to date with events and happenings of Hampshire East Trefoil. We hope you enjoy reading about our exploits and it would be good if you would please pass this e-news on to family and friends so they can read about us too.


A Message from Liz, Our County Chair

After the last couple of summers it’s been so good to be able to get out and about again with some degree of normality as you can see from the reports below.  

Many of us have enjoyed both National, Region and County events and now look forward to our autumn and winter meetings and the variety of activities they offer our members.

Best wishes



Trefoil Region Annual Meeting
Trefari - Marwell Zoo
Trefoil National Annual Meeting Llandudno
Hampshire East Summer Get Together
Bere Forest Guild

In May we were joined by members from Fareham trefoil for a flower arranging demonstration given by Knot Just Blooms, a flower shop in Portchester.  We all learned a lot about flower care and arranging and the arrangements were raffled off at the end.  Some of our members also enjoyed a visit to the Brickworks Museum at Swanwick.
On a lovely evening in June, we held our BBQ at Sandy Acres camp site.  Members also took part in a Jubilee themed quiz and a photo quiz of things to find around the site.
Due to the very hot weather in July, we decided to just have a “chilled” games evening in the hall giving members plenty of opportunity to talk and catch up.  It was a very relaxed evening.
We are looking forward to holding an all-day August meeting at the Wheelhouse, Lee-on-the-Solent, where we are going to have various activities for everyone to do and an American style buffet lunch.
The Brickworks, Paddling at Lee-on-the-Solent and Lunch at Sandy Acres
Bridgemary and Rowner Guild

Bridgemary and Rowner Trefoils celebrated her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee with a party and toasted her with fizz. We played games, pin the tail on the corgi produced lots of laughter.
We enjoyed a very interesting talk about the Falkland Islands after the war there.  Liz, our County Chair, visited us and presented Rachel with her Bronze Voyage Award.
In July we were to have cooked our own supper on campfires. However, in view of the dry conditions, that would have been a fire hazard, so Sue and Mary kindly cooked for us in the kitchen whilst we played quoits and skittles.
Voyage Award Presentation
                     Quoits                                              Voyage Award Presentation
Crofton Guild
We have had a busy three months with a coach trip to Windsor followed by a cruise on the River Thames. Fish and chips on board were enjoyed by 25 members and friends. The day proved very sunny and we gained a new member for our guild. 
During June, Sandy Acres camp site was the venue for our party to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee with really hot weather. Activities for making crowns and  a topical quiz were on offer but as it really was so very hot, members were happy to reminisce about the Queen's Coronation and the years of her reign. We had a cream tea with strawberries in the afternoon and for the evening members who joined us at six o'clock there was a BBQ.
Lots of memories were made that day.
Crofton on the River Thames
Emsworth Guild
During May we went to the Donkey Sanctuary on Hayling Island to visit Ollie, the donkey we have adopted this year.  Again weather wise, it was a lovely day and we had a tour of all the donkeys. They have 23 donkeys in their care. Some were rescued from Ireland and some were ex beach donkeys, but all needing care and love.  After this, we of course, finished with tea and cakes.
 In June we had our Jubilee celebrations. We played pass the parcel, pin the jewel on the Queen's crown and we had a competition for the best handmade crown. We then had afternoon tea. Marion arranged for a gentleman to come and play the accordion for us, so we concluded the the afternoon with a good old sing song and much flag waving.
 In July we went to for our annual game of skittles at Walderton. We had lots of fun and the booby prize was won by the same member who has won it for the last three years. She will remain nameless but we must give her more practice. We then had a buffet lunch. Our day at Sandy Acres on the 15th was another very warm day and we really enjoyed it.  We won a box of biscuits for finding the letters on the corgis and making them into a sentence.
   Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee    
The Donkey Sanctuary Hayling Island
Fareham Guild
For our May meeting we had a visit from the Artistic Director of Titchfield Festival Theatre, Kevin Fraser, who gave us a fascinating talk about the history of the Theatre and how William Shakespeare was involved with the area and the Abbey.
 June saw us enjoying a fabulous cream tea (sourced from Morrisons) for our Jubilee Guild celebrations.  This was very kindly hosted by Shirley, our chair, in her lovely back garden.  We enjoyed making table decorations, taking part in a quiz and wearing our crowns
For our meeting in the hall in June, Pam Marsden very kindly came and gave us a fascinating talk entitled -
Harvesters of the Deep, where she described the history of the fishing industry in Hull when she was growing up.
 Six of us attended the National Trefoil Conference in Llandudno.
    In July we had a lovely hot day at the Wheelhouse, Hillhead,  with a raffle, a silent auction, lots of games and fish & chips for lunch.
Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee.                      Lunch at the Wheel House                                                                              
Fareham Trefoil Guild support The Women’s Refuge 
 The Women’s Refuge is our chosen charity for 2022 . Using donations of useful items which members and friends have donated, Gill Cameron has put together, and made up, 10 comfort bags containing essentials which have been passed on to the Charity.  Gill held a silent auction with Rene Seaman at the Fareham Trefoil Guild Wheelhouse event which raised £40.00. Guild members are still continuing to support this worthy cause and this amount, together with additional monies raised over the next few months, will be passed to the charity together with extra items donated at the end of the year.
Havant Guild
Havant Guild held a Summer Garden Party on a VERY warm sunny afternoon. Our host (Peggy) provided trays of sumptuous cake and scones with jam and cream.  Liz, our county chair, was also invited and enrolled our latest recruit, Kathleen.  8 of our 10 members were able to attend and we were delighted that Elizabeth could join us after being absent for a while. 
 Other planned activities throughout August will also involve food and will take place at a watering hole yet to be confirmed!!! 
Enjoying a Garden Party
Hayling Island Guild 

We have been enjoying a varied programme with attendance varying due to illness, injury, having covid or isolation due to contact with covid.
In spring we walked at Stanstead visiting Racton Ruin and enjoying the bluebells.  Tea and cake in the Pavilion café followed.  We celebrated the Jubilee in May making crowns and coronets, having a Royal quiz and enjoying a cream tea.
Rosie Rains visited us in June and regaled us with her tales of being Mayor of Havant and now Town Cryer.
Our proposed outing to Chichester Adventure Golf had to be postponed as it was booked for “Heatwave Monday” so we still have that to look forward to in early August.
After a few years of dithering, we have finally spent the money kindly given to us by the family of a passed member, Nancy.  Our hall committee gave the go ahead for us to place a bench in the garden of our hall.  As it is Jubilee year, we managed to get one in the Jubilee colours made from recycled plastic milk containers, guaranteed to 20 years!

This s the Jubilee Bench
Hilldown Guild

Havant Guild kindly invited us to join them for our May meeting. We had an interesting and amusing talk by Ruth Warren on the “Perils of Travel”. This was followed by tea and cakes and a raffle and time to chat with our neighbouring Trefoil friends.  
 Nine members of the Guild went on “Trefari“to Marwell Zoo and had an enjoyable, though tiring day.
In June we celebrated the Queen’s Silver Jubilee together with our guests from Portsmouth South Trefoil.  We were entertained by a group of Scottish dancers. The hall was filled with the music from the bagpipes and the Northumberland pipes, which they played as they performed a variety of different dances. We all learned about the history of the dances and were also treated to some Scottish poetry reading.  This was followed by a Jubilee buffet tea with a cake to honour the occasion .
On the 18th June we had a tabletop sale at the local garden club show to raise some money for funds which was a success.
It was decided that as there would only be a handful of members present at July’s meeting, due to clashing with the Hampshire Rose lunch and other outside commitments, we would cancel our July meeting.
 Three members attended the “Summer Jubilee get together “ at Sandy Acres and reported back that they had an enjoyable time .
We had our annual August tea in Janet’s garden, which was looking very parched this year and all were grateful for the shady trees and gentle breeze. 
                August Tea                                          Scottish Dancers Celebrating                                                                        Platinum Jubilee
Horndean Guild

 Horndean Trefoil Guild have enjoyed varied meetings this Summer.
 In May we held our meeting at Catherington Down, where we had a picnic lunch followed by a talk  from one of the local park rangers.
 Also in May, our book group visited 'Gilbert White's House' at Selbourne.  We had a tour of the house and museum followed by lunch in the beautiful gardens. A very enjoyable day.
 In June, we welcomed Natalie, a speaker from the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance, to our meeting.  Natalie gave us a fascinating insight into the work of the Air Ambulance.
 In July we held our meeting at Hayling Island Guide HQ.  We enjoyed a fish and chip lunch and made lavender bags.
Horndean Make Lavender Bags at Hayling Island Guidee HQ
Liphook Guild
Liphook Trefoil Guild have in the past months learnt all about how to become a film extra or background actor and what it involves. 
We spent an evening crafting paper flowers.
We joined Girlguiding Liphook District in producing a Jubilee Wall Hanging for the Guide Hall. 
We attended and helped the District at the Village Jubilee Picnic, where we made and sold cakes, refreshments and books. We displayed the history of HM The Queen in Guiding and generally promoted Guiding from Rainbows to Trefoil Guild.
We celebrated the Jubilee late with a Jubilee afternoon tea, in the evening!
And lastly we helped Girlguiding Liphook District again at the Carnival Village Fun Day, once again baking and selling cakes, refreshments and books.
Celebrating with a Jubilee Afternoon Tea
Jubilee Wall Hanging
Meon Valley Guild

Our Guild has enjoyed sunny, summer fun, encompassing animals, birds and varying degrees of boules' success.
 In May we visited Tichfield Haven for a “Guide in a Hide” session, which was fun and informative and was followed by a delicious cake and cup of tea in the very friendly on-site cafe. 
June found us spending a lovely summer evening in the garden of one of our members, where we had a BBQ and sing-song, together with a Jubilee quiz and a delicious celebration cake made by a member. 
Liz, our county chair, joined us on a sunny afternoon in July for a game of petanque at
Priory Park in Bishops Waltham, culminating in a final match between Denise, Liz and Sally, with Sally the overall winner.  A strawberry cream cake was also shared at half-time. Cake seems to have been a continuing, and much enjoyed, theme throughout our summer get-togethers!!! 
We also participated in one of the Region's Covid-delayed Trefaris. This was a very local event for us, taking place at Marwell Zoo, near Bishops Waltham. Another sunny day found us mingling with members from many other Guilds, “talking with the animals” and eating ice cream. We were happily tired by the end of the day and thanks are due for a well organised and enjoyable event. We have very much enjoyed our summer activities and are looking forward to the new “term” in September. 
Meeting up at :Marwell Zoo.      Petanque  Competition Winners
Mystic Guild

At the end of May, Mystic held a Jubilee tea party in the evening to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  Members wore red, white and blue.
Our June meeting was a keep active meeting. We all took part in an Indoor curling competition with 2 teams, played lava, musical colours (a bit like musical chairs) and finished off with country dancing. A fun if exhausting evening! 
July found us enjoying a skittles evening at the Crofton Pub. Friends were invited to join us and the evening included a meal. We divided into 2 teams for the competition. Eileen was the individual winner with the highest score and Sue, one of our friends, won the booby prize for lowest score.
The Nauticals

Our unit has been busy this summer running Brownie, Guide and Ranger camps, very hot but well worth it. This was the first time many of us have been able to run a camp for a couple of years. 
Portsmouth South Guild

Portsmouth South took advantage of some lovely summer weather to meet together in person for the first time since the beginning of lockdown. We had been meeting on Zoom which in itself is quite an achievement! 
In August we had our annual garden meeting, spending a happy day in Pat Cadle's beautiful garden and enjoying a face to face chat at last. You can imagine that finding something to talk about was no problem. We made good use of our time and while we were chatting, we knitted and crocheted the little hats for the Smoothie bottles for Age UK and had a little bring and buy. A happy time was had by all. 
At the beginning of this month, nine of us met for afternoon tea at the 10th Hole in Southsea. The sun shone and we were all pleased we’d remembered to bring our sun hats. It was so good to meet again and catch up with everyone's news. Huge slices of delicious cakes and pots of tea were consumed and we were enjoying ourselves so much that we stayed there for far longer than we planned. Many thanks to all the staff there who were so friendly and welcoming. 
It’s back to Zoom for October, as our usual meeting place is not open yet for meetings. We are going to hear about traditions and little known facts about Portsmouth. Although Barbara has prepared the presentation, she’s sure that there will be lots of contributions from other members who have lived in Portsmouth for many years. 
Loyal Greetings to the Queen
An Enjoyable Garden Party
Renewal of Promise in Butterfly World, Southsea
Titchfield Guild

May 2022
We were still not back in our usual venue, so tried the Community centre in Sarisbury for this meeting. We have been helping to prepare for yarn bombing Titchfield village, so we made pompoms and planned our future meetings.
On 28th we helped put up the bunting and pompoms in the village.
On 30th we went to Titchfield Festival theatre to see Romeo and Juliet, a great evening, but the barn was a little chilly and a hot drink in the interval was very welcome. 
June 2022
In June one of our members arranged for us to try bowls at the local club. A good evening was had by those that could attend.
Jul 2022
A busy month, which started with the Warsash festival.  We had 'mugs and hugs stuff' to promote Trefoil and also fundraise for Sophie's wish. It was a very hot day, and we were pleased to sell out quickly.
We finished the month attending the 30th birthday of Southampton Central Trefoil Guild, following an invite via one of our members. We had a lovely lunch and were thoroughly spoiled.

At the Warsash Festival, Celebrating with Southampton Guild, Helping to Decorate Titchfield Village
2nd Hampshire Lones

We are a Trefoil group whose members are unable to get to meetings usually due to a disability. The chair circulates a newsletter 4 times a year which contains items of interest, photos, quizzes and anything relevant to Trefoil.  

  "Find Someone New in 2022"  

Our contact address is:
PO16 9RP


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